Commit 7a489ae9 by lyh3024


Change-Id: I6ad08d86c63fe973bc40d7428f8038f6e6f54c86
parent 6722dc22
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ def get_first_ips(province, city, isp, root_ip, from_time, end_time):
query_extend.append('f.root_ip = $root_ip ')
if from_time and end_time:
params['from_time'] = from_time.timestamp()
params['ent_time'] = end_time.timestamp()
params['end_time'] = end_time.timestamp()
query_extend.append(' >= $from_time ')
query_extend.append(' <= $end_time ')
if len(query_extend) != 0:
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