Commit 84745cef by lyh3024


Change-Id: Ief17fbeb2dbf464b62f5e7f7fd36a9c2974bc839
parent d4e15827
......@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ def get_block_trade_rank(request):
return JsonResponse(resp, safe=False)
param = {'addresses': addresses}
if int(sort_type) != 2:
if sort_type and int(sort_type) != 2:
query = 'match(a:Account)-[out:TRANSFER_OUT]->(t:Transaction) where a.address in $addresses ' \
'return a.address, count(out), sum(t.amount) order by count(out) desc'
......@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ def get_domain_list(request):
resp = tools.dec_success_resp({"nodes": resp_nodes, "relations": resp_relations})
return JsonResponse(resp, safe=False)
param = {"ips": ips}
query = 'match (r:RequestIp)-[req:REQUEST]->(d:DomainName)-[lab:LABEL]->(l:Label), (dns:DnsIp)-[par:PARSE]->(d)' \
'where r.request_ip in $ips return r, d, l, dns, req, lab, par'
......@@ -148,7 +147,7 @@ def get_domain_rank(request):
label = request.GET.get("label")
from_time = request.GET.get('from_time')
end_time = request.GET.get('to_time')
end_time = request.GET.get('end_time')
if from_time and not end_time:
resp = tools.dec_error_resp("end_time is null")
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