Commit acc58e12 by Lufer


parent 6cfd5f44
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
"name": "北海",
"count": "99.7%",
"id": 611100342,
"level": "99.7%",
"name": "前海",
"count": "99.3%",
"id": 611100340,
"level": "99.3%",
"name": "陶然亭公园",
"count": "98.9%",
"id": 18335652,
"level": "98.9%",
"name": "丰台老庄子乡",
"count": "97.2%",
"id": 611100339,
"level": "97.2%",
"name": "六营门周边",
"count": "95.4%",
"id": 611100335,
"level": "95.4%",
"name": "卢沟桥周边",
"count": "95.3%",
"id": 18335661,
"level": "95.3%",
"name": "八大处",
"count": "93.8%",
"id": 18335629,
"level": "93.8%",
"name": "翠湖湿地公园",
"count": "93.6%",
"id": 18335645,
"level": "93.6%",
"name": "顺义区回民营",
"count": "92.9%",
"id": 611100336,
"level": "92.9%",
"name": "首都机场T3航站楼",
"count": "92.2%",
"id": 18335655,
"level": "92.2%",
"name": "金宝街",
"count": 12,
"id": 611100443,
"level": 5.4
"name": "灯市口",
"count": 60,
"id": 611100442,
"level": 5.4
"name": "官园",
"id": 18335658,
"level": 5.3
"name": "朝阳门内",
"count": 175,
"id": 611100445,
"level": 5.3
"name": "东四",
"count": 48,
"id": 611100444,
"level": 5.3
"name": "马甸",
"count": 287,
"id": 611100601,
"level": 5.2
"name": "阜成门",
"count": 49,
"id": 18335656,
"level": 5.0
"name": "中关村",
"count": 160,
"id": 18335623,
"level": 98517
"name": "车公庄",
"count": 25,
"id": 18335657,
"level": 98099
"name": "安定门",
"count": 125,
"id": 18335647,
"level": 97284
"name": "太阳宫",
"id": 18335740,
"level": 97236
"name": "万寿路",
"count": 29,
"id": 611100529,
"level": 96834
"name": "世纪城",
"id": 18335628,
"level": 95057
"name": "建国门内",
"count": 86,
"id": 611100447,
"level": 93576
"name": "厂洼",
"count": 26,
"id": 18335760,
"level": 91681
"name": "甘家口",
"count": 116,
"id": 611100353,
"level": 91419
"name": "东直门",
"count": 278,
"id": 18335644,
"level": 91304
"name": "双榆树",
"count": 140,
"id": 611100355,
"level": 90821
"name": "西直门",
"count": 156,
"id": 18335654,
"level": 90159
"name": "新街口",
"count": 154,
"id": 18335653,
"level": 90144
"name": "公主坟",
"count": 151,
"id": 18335624,
"level": 89960
"name": "五道口",
"count": 250,
"id": 18335636,
"level": 88624
"name": "圆明园",
"count": 30,
"id": 611100354,
"level": 87088
"name": "白石桥",
"count": 59,
"id": 18335761,
"level": 86762
"name": "北太平庄",
"id": 18335632,
"level": 86238
"name": "和平里",
"id": 18335641,
"level": 86211
"name": "颐和园",
"count": 44,
"id": 611100699,
"level": 85763
"name": "苏州桥",
"count": 232,
"id": 18335766,
"level": 85296
"name": "牡丹园",
"count": 134,
"id": 18335768,
"level": 85147
"name": "四季青",
"count": 168,
"id": 611100358,
"level": 84821
"name": "紫竹桥",
"count": 180,
"id": 18335625,
"level": 84168
"name": "魏公村",
"count": 47,
"id": 18335758,
"level": 83874
"name": "小西天",
"count": 164,
"id": 18335754,
"level": 81542
"name": "定慧寺",
"count": 120,
"id": 18335634,
"level": 80859
"name": "知春路",
"count": 236,
"id": 18335639,
"level": 80679
"name": "三里屯",
"id": 611100698,
"level": 80390
"name": "朝阳公园",
"count": 148,
"id": 18335739,
"level": 80131
"name": "皂君庙",
"count": 127,
"id": 18335767,
"level": 79779
"name": "二里庄",
"count": 76,
"id": 18335757,
"level": 79625
"name": "东大桥",
"count": 102,
"id": 611100326,
"level": 78891
"name": "CBD",
"count": 196,
"id": 18335735,
"level": 78606
"name": "朝阳门外",
"count": 104,
"id": 611100448,
"level": 78596
"name": "建国门外",
"count": 71,
"id": 611100446,
"level": 78469
"name": "安贞",
"count": 226,
"id": 18335704,
"level": 78318
"name": "南沙滩",
"count": 112,
"id": 611100318,
"level": 77544
"name": "学院路",
"count": 225,
"id": 18335627,
"level": 77450
"name": "五棵松",
"count": 183,
"id": 18335630,
"level": 76372
"name": "亚运村小营",
"count": 404,
"id": 611100315,
"level": 76274
"name": "工体",
"count": 169,
"id": 18335779,
"level": 75977
"name": "三元桥",
"count": 182,
"id": 18335709,
"level": 75746
"name": "军博",
"count": 75,
"id": 18335640,
"level": 75286
"name": "西山",
"count": 51,
"id": 18335762,
"level": 74806
"name": "惠新西街",
"count": 239,
"id": 611100324,
"level": 73243
"name": "红庙",
"count": 135,
"id": 18335743,
"level": 72919
"name": "奥林匹克公园",
"count": 333,
"id": 611100323,
"level": 72360
"name": "燕莎",
"count": 187,
"id": 18335722,
"level": 71381
"name": "西坝河",
"count": 115,
"id": 611100321,
"level": 70701
"name": "健翔桥",
"count": 119,
"id": 611100481,
"level": 70561
"name": "望京",
"level": 70131,
"id": 18335711
"name": "芍药居",
"count": 216,
"id": 18335707,
"level": 69998
"name": "玉泉路",
"count": 128,
"id": 18335691,
"level": 69789
"name": "农展馆",
"count": 88,
"id": 611100327,
"level": 67989
"name": "田村",
"count": 149,
"id": 611100357,
"level": 67535
"name": "国展",
"count": 185,
"id": 18335734,
"level": 66386
"name": "亚运村",
"count": 467,
"id": 18335706,
"level": 66292
"name": "团结湖",
"count": 98,
"id": 18335730,
"level": 65674
"name": "酒仙桥",
"count": 220,
"id": 18335710,
"level": 64496
"name": "甜水园",
"id": 611100319,
"level": 64264
"name": "朝青",
"count": 477,
"id": 18335729,
"level": 63412
"name": "四惠",
"count": 235,
"id": 18335727,
"level": 60276
"name": "石佛营",
"count": 355,
"id": 18335728,
"level": 59795
"name": "大山子",
"id": 611100320,
"level": 59116
"name": "十里堡",
"count": 179,
"id": 18335741,
"level": 58266
"name": "甘露园",
"id": 18335726,
"level": 55337
"name": "高碑店",
"count": 126,
"id": 611100325,
"level": 53231
"name": "老山",
"id": 18335698,
"level": 52664
\ No newline at end of file
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import { GetDataFromBackStage } from '../services/api';
export default {
namespace: 'tutorialModel',
state: {
data: {
list: [],
pagination: {},
effects: {
*getData(_, { call, put }) {
const response = yield call(GetDataFromBackStage);
yield put({
type: 'saveData',
payload: response,
reducers: {
saveData(state, { payload }) {
return {
data: payload,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'dva';
import { Card,Table} from 'antd';
@connect(({ tutorialModel }) => ({
export default class demo1 extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
const { dispatch } = this.props;
type: 'tutorialModel/getData',
render() {
const { tutorialModel }=this.props;
const { data }=tutorialModel;
const columns = [
title: '数据名称',
dataIndex: 'name',
title: '描述',
dataIndex: 'datadescription',
title: '数据领域',
dataIndex: 'datafield',
title: '状态',
dataIndex: 'status',
title: '时间',
dataIndex: 'time',
return (
<Card bordered={false}>
style: { marginBottom: 0 },
pageSize: 5,
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'dva';
import styles from './demo2.less';
@connect(({ tutorialModel }) => ({
export default class demo2 extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
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<div className="map-control-box" id="map-control-box">
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<span className="lab-cn">城市燃气</span>
<div style={{scrollbarHighlightColor: '#6c6c90'}}>
<table style={{width:'100%',textAlign:'center',borderTop:'1px solid rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)'}}>
<tr style={{height: '30px'}}>
<td style={{width:'50%'}}>
<span className="table_span lab-cn" style={{fontSize:'13px'}}>区域名称</span>
<td style={{width:'50%'}}>
<span className="table_span lab-cn" style={{fontSize:'13px'}}>风险等级</span>
<table id="city_table" style={{borderTop: '1px solid rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)',width:'100%',textAlign:'center'}}>
<tr style={{height: '0px'}}>
<td style={{width:'50%'}}></td>
<td style={{width:'50%'}}></td>
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style={{display: 'none',height:'30px'}}>
<td><span className="table_span" style={{fontSize:'12px'}}>龙渠湾</span></td>
<td><span className="table_span" style={{fontSize:'12px'}}>228</span></td>
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